I guess when you are in the unreal world of politics, you focus on the things you think may prevent your re-election downfall in 2010. Nevermind the real issue of Jobs, Energy, Terrorism, and two real wars we are currently fighting. Let's erect a strawman as the pundits like to say and pretend to take pot shots at him for a while. Let's reserect the issue of immigration.
Immigration is one of the few issues that Democrats in todays world may actually be able to turn the tables on Republicans who may stand to win the House and Senate in November of 2010. Tell me, which Republicans in Arizona engineered the idea of passing a law just before the November elections that is sure to be a contentious issue. I'll bet every Democrat in Arizona and the rest of the country is laughing at the shear stupidity.
Can we all for once focus on what really matters in this country. Jobs and employment will solve most of our problems, including shortfalls in the revenue for states and the federal government. Energy independence will eliminate the threat of terrorism, because we won't be sending 600 billion dollars a year to our enemies to import foreign oil. Finally, let's end the wars in Iraq and Afganistan. Let's committ to a future free from police actions and simply let our enemies know that if they attack us, we will simply level their country and let them pick up the pieces afterward. No nation building. Let them build their own bed to lie down in.
Everyone likes to talk about how complicated global issues are. I liken it to the real world of people. In the real world there are mostly law abiding people who believe in a live and let live philosophy. There are also a few malcontents who want to impose their will on the rest of us. Those malcontents have to be delt with from a position of strength. Strength means we have to be willing to use our power to circumvent harm coming to our nation. Strength does not mean that we tie one hand behind our back so that the battle will be equal.
Tell me. Are we going to continue to let our politicians rehash old wounds, or are we going to force our politicians to focus on issues that put food on the table, like real jobs.