Friday, September 25, 2009

Energy Independence Now!

Hi HDLife,

I am definitely not a fan of the Iraq or Afganistan war. If you believe the figures, according to National Priorities project our cost so far is 915 billion and with the 130 billion allocated for 2010 if will have cost over 1 trillion dollars.Source:
In addition we have paid the heavy cost in lives and maimed war heroes who have given their lives or limbs because we asked them to do so, which I consider far more important than the money. But, the fact is it has taken 8 years to spend this kind of money. Our current administration is shooting the moon and has spent or committed to spend 1.7 trillion dollars in the blink of an eyelash (less than one year).
If we put our money into creating energy independence, creating a new electrical grid, creating jobs for goodness sake, I might understand the so-called stimulus package and pat President Obama on the back for having the guts to stick his neck out.
But, that is not what is happening. We have been promised energy independence since Jimmy Carter during the last energy crisis. It hasn't happened. It takes focus to get it done. When will that happen?
Unfortunately, I predict it will not happen with this president. Jobs and energy independence would solve half our problems. The rest of them would go away with full employment including the deficit.

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