Saturday, November 6, 2010

ObamaSense vs CommonSense: President Obama Goes To India

ObamaSense vs CommonSense: President Obama Goes To India: "I ask myself, now why would the president pick now to go to India? Perhaps its the weather? 93.2 degrees fahrenheit 34 degrees celsius, aver..."

President Obama Goes To India

I ask myself, now why would the president pick now to go to India? Perhaps its the weather? 93.2 degrees fahrenheit 34 degrees celsius, average rainfall 3 inches in Delhi?

No, there are a lot of places with 93 degree temperatures this time of year.

How bout a chance to meet the people of India. At 333 people per square kilometer versus the United States at 31 per square kilometer he could shake 10 times the number of hands within the same geographic space.

No, he could go to Macau China and shake 18,534 hands in the same square kilometer.

Perhaps it is to solve the current Social Security System problem. In India the average life expectancy is 63 years. If that were the case in America, the Social Security Administration would actually have a surplus by now.

Maybe it is to learn how the people of India manage to live on $458 dollars per capita (per population member). Think of the additional tax monies that could be funneled to Washington when the average American barely manages to survive on $41751 per capita.

India also sports Call Centers, Software Development and Pharmaceutical Research. At an average of $458 dollars per person per capita, we could hire the expertise of 100 Indian workers to every one American worker and leverage our work output to 50 to 100times our current GDP. All of this can be done remotely from the United States using one American worker for every 100 Indian workers. This effectively keeps every American worker employed, employs 100 Indian workers, and drives our GDP to 50 times its current level.

In India we may learn how to eat green. They are the no. 1 producers of tea, banannas, chickpeas, lentils, mangoes, beans, cauliflower, green peas, and millet. They are the number 2 producer of rice, wheat, sugar cane, and wood. Finally they are the number 3 producer of cereals, cotton, potatoes and oranges. All this time I thought they drank tea, wove sisel rope, and rode Indian elephants through the streets. I thought they burnt down all the firewood.

They are the number one producers of oxen, but do they eat them? No. according to one article it takes 10 pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat. The Indians would starve. They consider the cow sacred. Perhaps this is Obamas way of making America become vegetarian.

What about mineral resources you say? Well India does have coal, iron, bauxite, uranium, brown coal, zinc, and lead. Perhaps they could build all the coal plants, steel producing plants and nuclear power plants and we could sell them carbon credits to offset their obscene pollution of the planet. No, that does not sound like a green plan to me. Moving the carbon footprint from one side of the planet to another doesn't make sense either.

What could it be? What could it be? Oh, I've got it. A chance to see the "taj mahal", or Ghandi's footsteps forever memorialized in stone, or the "Humayun Tomb". No, it has to be bigger than that. How bout the Jama Masjid mosque. It is the largest mosque in India and has the capacity to hold 25000 people or more in the courtyard. Perhaps it is a chance to show how the mosque could be incorporated into the setting in New York around the site of 9/11.

Seriously, why do we need our President Obama to make a trip to India at this time and spend the millions of dollars in resources to protect him in an area where he feels vulnerable. Did he get the message of jobs, small government, lower taxes, reduced healthcare costs, and energy independence. Show me the commonsense.

Resource links:

Monday, October 11, 2010

ObamaSense vs CommonSense: Is Glenn Beck Poisoned or Blessed?

ObamaSense vs CommonSense: Is Glenn Beck Poisoned or Blessed?: "Hi Glenn, I watched the “being poisoned” episode tonight on television. We do dvr you everyday. Perhaps we all need to be lifted up occasio..."

Is Glenn Beck Poisoned or Blessed?

Hi Glenn,

I watched the “being poisoned” episode tonight on television. We do dvr you everyday. Perhaps we all need to be lifted up occasionally.

1) You do a great job of informing those people who want to listen and some who listen to figure out just what you are up to.
2) You encourage all of us to think and do research before we vote for any candidate.
3) You plant seeds as when you challenged seniors to home school grandkids. (I believe the bible also talks about planting seeds.)
4) You make us realize that our kids do not have the same terrible memories we grew up with (Bonhoffer).
5) You make us think about peaceful ways to overcome tyranny as Ghandi did( Jesus Christ also set this example in the bible).
6) You make us believe that God really had a hand in forming this nation, when even my generation grew up thinking church and state was separated at creation.
7) You give me a channel and outlet for commonsense that I thought was lost.
8) You make me think it might really be possible to help kids learn genuine critical thinking skills, rather than succumbing to propaganda and indoctrination.
9) You make me think God reveals his purpose to some of us. You have been blessed. Take strength from that knowledge.

We need to change two other clichés in the American family. I grew up discussing 1) religion and 2) politics within my family and with the neighbors, and yet everyone tries to tell me that this is not acceptable in todays generations. I remember my Grandfather and his acquaintances discussing politics and the price of corn and beef at the local feedstore. I remember my Dad getting into hot debates at the truckstop. Is everyone afraid to debate their views now? Perhaps our government doesn’t want us to develop critical thinking skills.

That would mean simple political ideas like “Hope and Change” might be questioned. Perhaps future generations might ask, what kind of hope or what kind of change? I remember history having been repeated from the Carter administration. Here is another Presidential candidate that came from nowhere, offered “change” and a “break from career politicians”. Guess what. That generation voted for a sorry bill of goods as well. We got high price gqs, lines at the gas pump, and shortages, 21% interest on mortgages, and credit cards broke the 12% ceiling that had been leveled on them at the time. Thank God Carter was a 1 term president.

Commonsense 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

ObamaSense vs CommonSense: Dino Rossi Too Nice?

ObamaSense vs CommonSense: Dino Rossi Too Nice?: "Email to Dino Rossi, I am an independent. Your website does not mention four critical issues. 1) Do you believe all Congressional bills s..."

Dino Rossi Too Nice?

Email to Dino Rossi,

I am an independent. Your website does not mention four critical issues.

1) Do you believe all Congressional bills should have to meet the requirements of the United States constitution?
2) Do you believe in 2 term, term limits?
3) Do you believe all Senator and House members should by law be required to read and understand the bill?
4) Do you believe representatives of the people should be required to listen to the will of the people in town hall meetings?


You are too nice. Your videos do not show the excitement and the emotion that the American people are feeling who have lost jobs, lost opportunity, watched government leaders blow money we don’t have, watched billion dollar fiascos turn into trillion dollar deals as if billions were a drop in the bucket, and watched the drive to be number one be subverted by people who think we all need to cut back.

This is the time for a dynamic leader to take charge. A man or woman of principles who believes and follows the United States constitution and believes the United States is, and always will be, the shining place of opportunity in the world.

I want to see “we’re number one”, “we’re number one”.

I want to see you beat the drum of “abusive spending” by the current senator Patty Murray. Walking in “lockstep with her party no matter the consequences”. “Supporting legislation she knows is not good for the country” “The Healthcare Bill”. “Supporting legislation she knows is not good for Washington state” “Tarp and stimulus fund”. You have the opportunity to pick every wasteful spending bill she ever supported for 18 years and drum it into the Washington voters mind. You have the opportunity to stand on principles and tell us the voter what you will do for Washington state and the Country.

Please work on the dynamic part. You have the content. Does what you say really come from the heart? Every word I have written here comes from the heart.

I will not support Patty Murray, but I would like better reasons to support Dino Rossi.

Thomas Davis
Washington State Voter

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Global Warming Fact or Fiction?

Whether global warming is caused by man may be debated by both sides, but the fact that the earth has been far warmer at the time of the dinosaurs and far colder during the glacial periods than it is today is a matter of scientific fact. The United States and the U.K. like to use computer models to forecast the future. The Russians like to use paleo history to forecast what warming trends or cooling trends may cause. Core samples of the earth at different warm or cold periods tell a lot about the life on our planet at that time. They also tell us about rising or lowering sea levels.

If you would like to determine whether global warming is man caused or not, please check out the resources below. By the time you have read them all, you will be convinced that we really don't know, and can't prove it one way or the other at this point.

Why not focus on energy and the benefits of unlimited renewable energy? Utilize fossil fuels, coal reserves, hydroelectric, and nuclear to keep us growing, but invest in more nuclear plants, solar technology, windmills and fuel cell technology to take us forward. According to BP experts and their latest report, the world has proven reserves of oil - 40 years, natural gas - 60 years, and coal - 130 years. At some point we will have to find other non polluting sources and make them available at affordable prices. Let's make it happen now.

The time is now to become energy independent and pollution free. Make energy our new Manhattan project, our new mission to the moon, our answer to 9/11, our answer to building jobs and stimulating the economy.


For a list of resources on both sides of the debate, go to:

Climate Change Facts
Facts about Global Warming
Reality Check
The IPCC 2007 Forecast

Impact Assessment Needs
How to Identify Bias

IPCC Forecast Vs. Reality

Forecast is Not Huge
Was the Earth Warmer before?
What Should We Do?
What Should We Not Do?
Issues of Disagreement?
Skeptics View of Consensus?
Consensus View Of Skeptics?
Is Ocean Adification Real?
Is Global Warming Bad?

Polar Bears/Polar Ice?
CO2 so high we can't breathe?
Climate Sites - Official

•World Meteorological Organization
•UN Framework Convention on CC
•US Global Change Research Program

•NOAA Climate Portal
•NASA Goddard (GISS)
•Japan Met Agency
•Environment Canada

•New Zealand Climate Change
•Bureau of Meteorology-Australia
Climate Research
•Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne
•Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis, Victoria
•CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Melbourne
•Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab.
•Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
•UCAR CLIVAR (Climate Var. and Predict.)

Climate Monitoring
•U. of Illinois (Ice)
•Hadley Centre (UK)
Climate Per the Consensus
(Human Impact is Most Important)

•IPCC SPM 2007: Synthesis (Nov 07)
•IPCC SPM1 2007: The Science
•IPCC WG1 Full Science Report

•IPCC WG2 2007: Impacts
•IPCC WG3 2007: Mitigation

•IPCC Emissions Scenarios

•US National Center for Atmos Research
•Real Climate (counters skeptics)
•Nature. Com (Blog)

•Union of Concerned Scientists
•New Scientist Guide for Perplexed

Climate Per the Other Consensus
(The Climate Skeptics)
•The Anti Global Warming Resource
•ICECAP (Climate News/Information)

•Friends of Science
•Pielke Research Group

•US Senate EPW (Minority)
•Independent SPM: Fraser Institute

•Wrong on Climate: N. Calder
•Climate Audit
•Science & Environ. Policy Project
•Climate/Ocean Resources Center
•Errors in IPCC Climate Science
•World Climate Report

•Global Warming Debate

•Fundación Argentina de Ecología Científica (Spanish/Español)

Briefings on Climate Change
•Basics on Climate Prediction
Indicators of Climate Change
•European Env Agency
•NOAA Arctic Change
Climate Drivers - Shorter Term
•El Ninõ - Status & Info
•The North Atlantic Oscillation-Info
•The North Atlantic Oscillation-Status
•The Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Historical (Instrumented) Charts
•Univ. of East Anglia
•Japanese Met. Agency
Paleo (Ancient) Sites
•NOAA Paleo Program
•University of Michigan
•Columbia University
Paleo (Ancient) Charts
•Antarctic Ice Core (0-500K BP)
•Jones and Mann (200-2000AD)
•Petit et al. 0-150K BP
Glaciation (Ice Ages)
•Climatic Controls of Glaciation
•Astronomical Theory
of Climate Change
Policy Statements
•American Association of
State Climatologists
•American Meteorological Society

•Weathervane Policy Site

•ClimateChangeFacts on IPCC

Global Cooling Scare (1970s)
•Science Mag: Ice Age Article
•Boston Globe: about the scare
•CIA Report: Cooling Consensus 1974
•Newsweek: April 28, 1975
•Time: Another Ice Age?
•NY Times: Threat to Food
•Reid Bryson Interview
•Science News: Chilling Possibilities
Global Cooling Sites
•Ice Age Now

Global Cooling (Now)
•Read the sunspots
Energy Conservation Sites

(Tips to reduce emissions & energy use)

•Yale U. Climate to Action
OnLine Reviews of Skeptics
•National Post (Canada)
Disagreements from Within
•IPCC Deputy Yury Izrael

•NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
Mitigation Measures
•Planting Trees
Humor: Climate Change
•Polar Bears & More

ObamaSense vs CommonSense: Republican Pledge To America

ObamaSense vs CommonSense: Republican Pledge To America: "The Republican Pledge sounds hollow and is delivered with little real emotion. The preamble is based on our constitution and is designed to ..."

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Republican Pledge To America

The Republican Pledge sounds hollow and is delivered with little real emotion. The preamble is based on our constitution and is designed to be all inclusive.

Let's put some real punch in the Pledge!

1) We will hold every idea up to the light of the United States Constitution. We will not allow the Constitution or the Bill of Rights to be usurped by any arm of the government. We will represent the will of the people who elected us. We will prosecute anyone who knowingly violates the Constitution of the United States. We will be required by law to read the bill. We will be required by law to understand the bill. We will be required by law to make all bills standalone.
2) We will create jobs through an energy independent mandate. We will build nuclear power plants. We will drill for oil. We will use shale oil. We will use clean coal technology. We will use cost efficient clean solar, wind, geo-thermal,and hydro-electric. We will encourage electric car technology. We will encourage fuel cell technology. We will quit pumping 600 billion dollars a year out in the form of imported oil.
3) We will stop funding pork barrel projects for states. We will stop spending money we don't have. We will balance the budget. We will mandate the federal budget be balanced. We will stop sending foreign aid to governments not friendly to us. We will reduce the size of government. We will kill departments not necessary to the running of our government. We will give back tarp funds and stimulus money that has not been spent.
4) We will repeal government healthcare. We will offer private health insurance to all who are not able to pay the full amount.
5) We will reform Congress. We will do away with the current committee system in the House and the Senate. We will do away with seniority. We will form Committees at the beginning of each term by a vote of the current house and senate members. We will give freshmen House and Senate leaders the same chance to represent their constituency. We will set term limits at 2 terms maximum. We will require House and Senate leaders to attend town hall meetings when called in their respective states.
6) We will build a fence across the Mexican border. We will enforce our immigration laws. We will re-enact our temporary worker green card identification system. We will know every person that crosses our borders. We will prosecute every religious organization, company, city, state, or federal entity that hires illegals without a work permit. We will keep our country secure.
7) We will make Amercia the most competitive place to work. We will treat our companies like businesses. We will manage the tax climate companies are able to work in in the United States. We will be competitive with all comers. We will remain secure by returning our manufacturing capability. We will not be raped of the technology we build in the United States.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Election Commonsense

The people are fed up with their government. The question is why and what do we want changed. We want the representatives changed, but we don't want more of the same. We want people who stand on principles and follow the constitution. We want people who read the bill. If the bill is too complicated, then simplify the language and cut the size of the reading material down.

We don't need comprehensive healthcare (2000 pages). We don't need comprehensive immigration. We don't need comprehensive energy(cap and trade legislation). We don't need stimulus money thrown against the wall like a paint art project hoping something will stick and get us out of this mess.

We need jobs. We need simple solutions to healthcare costs implemented item by item. We need simple solutions in the energy arena implemented item by item. We need our congressional leaders and senators to think first about America and second about any global initiatives. What will do that is incentives for businesses to stay in the U. S., incentives for energy companies to produce cost efficient energy in the U. S. With jobs and energy in the U. S. we will be in a better position to address all of the other ills of our economy.

The government is out of touch with our primary need which is jobs. They seem to think they can write a blank check for their personal pet programs and we the taxpayer will foot the bill.

This is a republic. That means representative government. When the senators and congressmen of our country and the states scoff at the will of the people, they need to be kicked out of office. They need to be replaced by representatives who will do their do diligence before passing any bills and if we the people disagree with the direction they are headed, they need to listen. What would solve this problem? Term limits.

If you are only in office 4 to 8 years, or in the case of the senate 6-12 years you are more inclined to vote your conscience and not worry about your career election. You are more inclined to listen to your constituents, because you don't have a powerbase and economic base in Washington to get you chosen for the democratic or republican primary.

1) Kick current leaders out of office this November.
2) Elect leaders whose campaign promise is to listen to their constituents and read the bill.
3) Focus on jobs in the United States has to be their number one promise. Not government jobs. Let businesses create jobs through incentives.
4) Set term limits. No more than 2 terms for any position.
5) Energy Independence for America now. This is the goal. Make it a reality just as we did when we went to the moon.
6) Make the United States and its interests your number one concern.

Commonsense 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Immigration Feint Hides The Real Issue Of Jobs

I guess when you are in the unreal world of politics, you focus on the things you think may prevent your re-election downfall in 2010. Nevermind the real issue of Jobs, Energy, Terrorism, and two real wars we are currently fighting. Let's erect a strawman as the pundits like to say and pretend to take pot shots at him for a while. Let's reserect the issue of immigration.

Immigration is one of the few issues that Democrats in todays world may actually be able to turn the tables on Republicans who may stand to win the House and Senate in November of 2010. Tell me, which Republicans in Arizona engineered the idea of passing a law just before the November elections that is sure to be a contentious issue. I'll bet every Democrat in Arizona and the rest of the country is laughing at the shear stupidity.

Can we all for once focus on what really matters in this country. Jobs and employment will solve most of our problems, including shortfalls in the revenue for states and the federal government. Energy independence will eliminate the threat of terrorism, because we won't be sending 600 billion dollars a year to our enemies to import foreign oil. Finally, let's end the wars in Iraq and Afganistan. Let's committ to a future free from police actions and simply let our enemies know that if they attack us, we will simply level their country and let them pick up the pieces afterward. No nation building. Let them build their own bed to lie down in.

Everyone likes to talk about how complicated global issues are. I liken it to the real world of people. In the real world there are mostly law abiding people who believe in a live and let live philosophy. There are also a few malcontents who want to impose their will on the rest of us. Those malcontents have to be delt with from a position of strength. Strength means we have to be willing to use our power to circumvent harm coming to our nation. Strength does not mean that we tie one hand behind our back so that the battle will be equal.

Tell me. Are we going to continue to let our politicians rehash old wounds, or are we going to force our politicians to focus on issues that put food on the table, like real jobs.