Whether global warming is caused by man may be debated by both sides, but the fact that the earth has been far warmer at the time of the dinosaurs and far colder during the glacial periods than it is today is a matter of scientific fact. The United States and the U.K. like to use computer models to forecast the future. The Russians like to use paleo history to forecast what warming trends or cooling trends may cause. Core samples of the earth at different warm or cold periods tell a lot about the life on our planet at that time. They also tell us about rising or lowering sea levels.
If you would like to determine whether global warming is man caused or not, please check out the resources below. By the time you have read them all, you will be convinced that we really don't know, and can't prove it one way or the other at this point.
Why not focus on energy and the benefits of unlimited renewable energy? Utilize fossil fuels, coal reserves, hydroelectric, and nuclear to keep us growing, but invest in more nuclear plants, solar technology, windmills and fuel cell technology to take us forward. According to BP experts and their latest report, the world has proven reserves of oil - 40 years, natural gas - 60 years, and coal - 130 years. At some point we will have to find other non polluting sources and make them available at affordable prices. Let's make it happen now.
The time is now to become energy independent and pollution free. Make energy our new Manhattan project, our new mission to the moon, our answer to 9/11, our answer to building jobs and stimulating the economy.
For a list of resources on both sides of the debate, go to:
Climate Change Facts
Facts about Global Warming
Reality Check
The IPCC 2007 Forecast
Impact Assessment Needs
How to Identify Bias
IPCC Forecast Vs. Reality
Forecast is Not Huge
Was the Earth Warmer before?
What Should We Do?
What Should We Not Do?
Issues of Disagreement?
Skeptics View of Consensus?
Consensus View Of Skeptics?
Is Ocean Adification Real?
Is Global Warming Bad?
Polar Bears/Polar Ice?
CO2 so high we can't breathe?
Climate Sites - Official
•World Meteorological Organization
•UN Framework Convention on CC
•US Global Change Research Program
•NOAA Climate Portal
•NASA Goddard (GISS)
•Japan Met Agency
•Environment Canada
•New Zealand Climate Change
•Bureau of Meteorology-Australia
Climate Research
•Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne
•Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis, Victoria
•CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Melbourne
•Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab.
•Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
•UCAR CLIVAR (Climate Var. and Predict.)
Climate Monitoring
•U. of Illinois (Ice)
•Hadley Centre (UK)
Climate Per the Consensus
(Human Impact is Most Important)
•IPCC SPM 2007: Synthesis (Nov 07)
•IPCC SPM1 2007: The Science
•IPCC WG1 Full Science Report
•IPCC WG2 2007: Impacts
•IPCC WG3 2007: Mitigation
•IPCC Emissions Scenarios
•US National Center for Atmos Research
•Real Climate (counters skeptics)
•Nature. Com (Blog)
•Union of Concerned Scientists
•New Scientist Guide for Perplexed
Climate Per the Other Consensus
(The Climate Skeptics)
•The Anti Global Warming Resource
•ICECAP (Climate News/Information)
•Friends of Science
•Pielke Research Group
•US Senate EPW (Minority)
•Independent SPM: Fraser Institute
•Wrong on Climate: N. Calder
•Climate Audit
•Science & Environ. Policy Project
•Climate/Ocean Resources Center
•Errors in IPCC Climate Science
•World Climate Report
•Global Warming Debate
•Fundación Argentina de Ecología Científica (Spanish/Español)
Briefings on Climate Change
•Basics on Climate Prediction
Indicators of Climate Change
•European Env Agency
•NOAA Arctic Change
Climate Drivers - Shorter Term
•El Ninõ - Status & Info
•The North Atlantic Oscillation-Info
•The North Atlantic Oscillation-Status
•The Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Historical (Instrumented) Charts
•Univ. of East Anglia
•Japanese Met. Agency
Paleo (Ancient) Sites
•NOAA Paleo Program
•University of Michigan
•Columbia University
Paleo (Ancient) Charts
•Antarctic Ice Core (0-500K BP)
•Jones and Mann (200-2000AD)
•Petit et al. 0-150K BP
Glaciation (Ice Ages)
•Climatic Controls of Glaciation
•Astronomical Theory
of Climate Change
Policy Statements
•American Association of
State Climatologists
•American Meteorological Society
•Weathervane Policy Site
•ClimateChangeFacts on IPCC
Global Cooling Scare (1970s)
•Science Mag: Ice Age Article
•Boston Globe: about the scare
•CIA Report: Cooling Consensus 1974
•Newsweek: April 28, 1975
•Time: Another Ice Age?
•NY Times: Threat to Food
•Reid Bryson Interview
•Science News: Chilling Possibilities
Global Cooling Sites
•Ice Age Now
Global Cooling (Now)
•Read the sunspots
Energy Conservation Sites
(Tips to reduce emissions & energy use)
•Yale U. Climate to Action
OnLine Reviews of Skeptics
•National Post (Canada)
Disagreements from Within
•IPCC Deputy Yury Izrael
•NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
Mitigation Measures
•Planting Trees
Humor: Climate Change
•Polar Bears & More
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