Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sandy Hook Elementary The Real Debate

The Real Commonsense Debate
Do you really know the story?
The facts: A 20 year old man Adam Lanza broke into an elementary school and killed 20 children and 7 adults. Before that, he shot his mother at her home and took weapons that were kept in their home. The elementary school was Sandy Hook Elementary. He used an AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle. This rifle uses up to 30 round clips. He also carried a Glock and Sig Sauer semi-automatic pistols both of which could carry 9 to 30 plus round clips.
He broke into a secure school which had recently installed a new security system that required you to be buzzed in after 9:30am. He broke in by shooting his way through the door.
We know he had Aspergers syndrome a form of Autism. But this is not a reason for the shootings according to most medical experts. He did have a mental illness not divulged so far, but one that was revealed when his mother and father divorced.
So what do we do to prevent this from ever happening again? What does commonsense really tell us?
1) This massacre came without a known motive.
2) The guns were accessed from a relative, his mother.
3) Whether locked up or not, the fact is he was able to access those guns.
4) The site he chose was a gun free zone.
5) The targets he chose had no way to fight back.
Possible Logical Solutions:The Debate Should Be Protecting The Schools
1) Build schools with security monitoring systems for all areas. This could be retrofitted to all schools.
2) Build schools with lockdown capabilities for all classrooms similar to the doors we put on aircraft.
3) Place armed security at every school. This is done in many high schools around the country with great success (Police trained or military trained.)
4) Screen all people who enter school grounds before, during, and after classes.
5) Train quick response police teams like SWAT for just this type of situation in all areas of the country.
Illogical Solutions:
1) Debating the legalization of the weapon used in the crime. What if the weapon was a 12gauge sawed off shotgun you can carry under your coat.
2) Using the term assault weapon to elicit America's resolve to fix a problem by banning its use for law abiding citizens.
3) Imposing your will on other citizens because you don't personally see the reason for ownership of a rifle with a 30 round clip.
4) Using a massacre as a political reason for controlling the legal ownership of weapons when the criminals will still have access and will probably start a gun running operation just as they did with alcohol when it was made illegal.
5) Attacking the weapon the inanimate object rather than addressing the issue of the person who would commit such an a crime. 
1) Mental Illness - Evidence of Violent Behavior - Treat It.
2) Terrorist - Identify - Close Borders To Illegal Entry - Neutralize.
3) Criminal - Without Remorse - Wants Notoriety - Identify and Lock Up or Neutralize.
4) Foreign Power - Identify Agents - Lock Up or Neutralize.
5) Protect Our Schools - Video Surveillance - Armed Security - Secure Compartmented Classrooms - Use Technology To Instruct Our Kids At Home In A Virtual Classroom - Screen All People Who Access School Grounds.
6) Allow Teachers and Administrators To Carry Concealed Weapons If They So Desire. 
7) Quit making our schools and cities gun free zones where they become sitting ducks.
Chicago has one of the stiffest gun control statutes in the country and also the single highest murder rate in the country and almost the world. Just under 500 people murdered in 2012 alone.
We don't become safer by abdicating our rights to firearms. We become safer by identifying and treating the problem. The problem is criminal minds. The solution is protect our children from a position of strength not weakness. I never met a bully in school who ran away from me when I said, "Go ahead and hit me, I won't hit you back." He ran away or avoided me because he knew he would be hurt if he hurt me. The knowledge that a perpetrator might die without being able to hurt anyone might prevent them from ever attacking a school.

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