Friday, September 25, 2009

Energy Independence Now!

Hi HDLife,

I am definitely not a fan of the Iraq or Afganistan war. If you believe the figures, according to National Priorities project our cost so far is 915 billion and with the 130 billion allocated for 2010 if will have cost over 1 trillion dollars.Source:
In addition we have paid the heavy cost in lives and maimed war heroes who have given their lives or limbs because we asked them to do so, which I consider far more important than the money. But, the fact is it has taken 8 years to spend this kind of money. Our current administration is shooting the moon and has spent or committed to spend 1.7 trillion dollars in the blink of an eyelash (less than one year).
If we put our money into creating energy independence, creating a new electrical grid, creating jobs for goodness sake, I might understand the so-called stimulus package and pat President Obama on the back for having the guts to stick his neck out.
But, that is not what is happening. We have been promised energy independence since Jimmy Carter during the last energy crisis. It hasn't happened. It takes focus to get it done. When will that happen?
Unfortunately, I predict it will not happen with this president. Jobs and energy independence would solve half our problems. The rest of them would go away with full employment including the deficit.

Glenn Beck Strikes Fear In the Eyes of the Seattle PI

Hi Bee1000,

Your are correct. I misstated my facts. We are committed to a deficit that is 4 times what any sitting president has created in our entire history. Here are the facts according to our government sources.

According to the Omnibus budget office source page 7 of 38

In 2008 our estimated deficit was 459 billion dollars under George Bush. In 2009 it is estimated at 1841 billion or 1.841 trillion dollars under President Obama. This estimate does not factor in health care nor does it account for Cap and Trade.

Currently we have spent 350 billion or approximately half of the allocated TARP funds. We are on the hook for a potential additional 350 billion according to CNN Money that could be spent in 2009.

We passed a compromise stimulus bill or economic recovery package for $789 billion of which only a portion has been spent to date according to a NY Times article at yet it was necessary to pass it without reading the bill, because shovel ready programs would put our country back on the road to prosperity.

Never in our history have we been made to feel so rushed to passed comprehensive bills that cover so much ground with so little knowledge of their effects. Never would I have believed that our House and Senate would actually vote for bills that they have not read, or do not understand simply because their party leaders pressure them to do so.

Glenn Beck is bringing those people together who believe in asking questions about their representatives and where our government is headed. Many of us want health care for everyone. We want health care that cannot be dropped because of pre-existing conditions. We want health care we can take with us to any job we choose. That does not mean it has to be government health care. We want the freedom to choose the health care we want, regardless of the state it is offered, and we want the free market to regulate the price we pay.

When has our government ever provided health care or anything else with better service, better coverage, or at a cheaper price? Name one.


Is Glenn Beck A "Wingnut Pundit"?

Hi ,

It is interesting that the title of a Seattle PI article by Joel Connelly states:"Glen Beck brings the 'nut' show to Safeco Field". That sounds like "incendiary rhetoric" to me. In fact it sounds like you are one of the ones "burning the barn down".

How about we all stick to facts that we can "substantiate" and eliminate the name calling such as "wingnut pundits" which really is a substitute for intelligent conversation. One thing I would be willing to bet my paycheck on, is that this article has generated more interest in you, and your newspaper(online)than any recent article you have put out. Why is that? Because some people find it easier to ride the coattails of the popular "wingnut pundits" than they do finding or creating real news.

Fact: 1) This administration has created a larger deficit in one year than any previous administration has in four years. Sorry, but our government did not have 1.7 trillion dollars to spend, they will simply print up what they need. We will be paying a price for that largess in the near future.

2) Fact: We can postulate about what is in the health care bill, but we really don't know yet. We do know you cannot insure an additional 30 to 47 million people without raising taxes, or cutting benefits.

3) Fact: Cap and Trade sounds like a good thing for a dying earth. But, President Obama has stated it necessarily will raise the average homeowners energy costs by 1700 plus dollars per average household.

You may attack the person, but it is hard to disagree with fact. Are you not concerned with knowing how your government is spending your money? Are you not concerned with why corruption in our government is not investigated? I am, and that is why I will attend the Glenn Beck event at Safeco Field. Not because I agree with everything that is said, but because I care where our government is headed with my money.

Another wingnut pundit.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Healthcare Workfare vs Freefare

The commonsense of the 60's tells us that straight welfare does not work in America or anywhere else. Paying people to do nothing simply enables them to continue to do nothing, and there is no incentive to get off the dole, because initially you may not be able to earn enough to make it worthwhile.

1) Everyone acknowledges that all United States citizens deserve to have health care.
2) Pre-existing conditions should not deny anyone the option of keeping health care to cover them regardless of the circumstances.
3) No one should be denied coverage because of their age.

These are the problems we need to address. There may be others, but these are key.

There is no example of government health care providing these options and doing it better or at a cheaper price than free enterprise. Medicare and Medicaid are great, but both are going bankrupt. They can't take in enough money to cover what is being spent. If we can't provide cheaper and better quality service here, then what could possibly make us think the government could do it better for everyone in the United States.

Ever stood in line at the post office? Is this the kind of service you want or require?

Ever stood in line to renew a driver's license? Perhaps you like taking a number and waiting for the bureaucrat to call your number only to be told you may now wait in another line to have your picture taken.

When you were in the military, didn't you just love the service when you had to see a doctor, that outranked you, the customer. That is, if you saw a doctor and not a medical corpsman. How was that experience of going to one medical unit only to be told they needed your x-rays from department y.

Don't get me wrong. It was all free wasn't it?

Nothing in life that is free has the urgency to it that something that is paid for has. Nothing that is free has any incentive to lower costs. In fact it encourages accelerated use. The government operates on a 40 hour work week, except in rare instances. That means we will need more doctors and more nurses to do the job and they are in short supply already. We will pay them higher wages for fewer hours and we will let them retire at 50 instead of 65.

Where in government have we ever done anything faster, cheaper, and smarter than free enterprise. Name one!
