Friday, September 25, 2009

Is Glenn Beck A "Wingnut Pundit"?

Hi ,

It is interesting that the title of a Seattle PI article by Joel Connelly states:"Glen Beck brings the 'nut' show to Safeco Field". That sounds like "incendiary rhetoric" to me. In fact it sounds like you are one of the ones "burning the barn down".

How about we all stick to facts that we can "substantiate" and eliminate the name calling such as "wingnut pundits" which really is a substitute for intelligent conversation. One thing I would be willing to bet my paycheck on, is that this article has generated more interest in you, and your newspaper(online)than any recent article you have put out. Why is that? Because some people find it easier to ride the coattails of the popular "wingnut pundits" than they do finding or creating real news.

Fact: 1) This administration has created a larger deficit in one year than any previous administration has in four years. Sorry, but our government did not have 1.7 trillion dollars to spend, they will simply print up what they need. We will be paying a price for that largess in the near future.

2) Fact: We can postulate about what is in the health care bill, but we really don't know yet. We do know you cannot insure an additional 30 to 47 million people without raising taxes, or cutting benefits.

3) Fact: Cap and Trade sounds like a good thing for a dying earth. But, President Obama has stated it necessarily will raise the average homeowners energy costs by 1700 plus dollars per average household.

You may attack the person, but it is hard to disagree with fact. Are you not concerned with knowing how your government is spending your money? Are you not concerned with why corruption in our government is not investigated? I am, and that is why I will attend the Glenn Beck event at Safeco Field. Not because I agree with everything that is said, but because I care where our government is headed with my money.

Another wingnut pundit.

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